May 24, 1993 - August 18, 2006
An angel who touched our lives as a loving daughter, sister and friend.
Thank you for being touched by our little girl. Thank you for your prayers, support and donations. We believe Madison was an angel among us. With her sparkling eyes and contagious smile, she was truly beautiful. Our lives will never be the same. Not a day goes by that we don't think of the special memories she shared with all of us. Remember her always.
Thank you!
Jason, Kim, Jackson and Taylor McIntyre
From An Angel On HighWeep not for me now that I have passed. Remember the laughter, the affection, the joy not just the recent tears. Cherish the memories, our hope and dreams. Hold fast to the love that we shared. Be happy with the time we spent together and being anew. For I am not really gone, I am closer than ever before. As the morning sun rises and throughout the busy day…I am with you. Until the setting sun disappears on the horizon and we watch the day turn into night…I am here. You may feel a faint breeze stir round your head, while you slumber as I gently kiss your forehead, “Good night.” The stars that shine so brightly in my heavenly sky help me watch over you and keep you from harm. I am the wind in the trees and the song of a bird. I am moonbeams in a midnight sky and a glorious rainbow after the storm. I am a smile on a stranger’s face a gentle touch a warm embrace. Listen to the wind for my message of love. Watch the sun rise and set in the sky with me. Feel my essence encircle you with warm memories. Open your heart to know…I am not gone. Reach deep into your soul…You will find me. I am here. Have no fear. I am with you, Always..
Author: Unknown